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Corvus Belli

Beasthunters Free Guild (Tactical Bow)

Beasthunters Free Guild (Tactical Bow)

Regular price $25.51
Regular price $31.88 Sale price $25.51
-19% OFF Out of Stock
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Armies: Svalarheima’s Winter Force / Kestrel Colonial Force / Yu Jing / White Banner/ USAriadna Ranger Force / Tartary Army Corps / Ramah Taskforce / Torchlight Brigade

MegaBeast hunting is as dangerous as hell. In this business, careers tend to be short, a reason why the Beasthunter community is quite small, and it tends to be very elitist and highly competitive. It’s not a question of who got the fattest, juiciest contracts, but of who’s hunted the most MegaBeasts, or who caught the biggest. In this profession, in the end, it’s all a matter of size.

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