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D&D Dungeon! Fantasy Board Game

D&D Dungeon! Fantasy Board Game

Regular price $25.50
Regular price $30.00 Sale price $25.50
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Staff recommendation (Steve Jan 2025):

A classic board game for kids, with low complexity making it easy to pick up and play, and at a low price for boardgame entry.

In D&D style, take control of a Wizard, Elf, Fighter or Rogue, and delve into a dungeon. Each character class has a slightly different way to defeat monsters, and some special abilities, for example the Elf is better at finding Secret Doors.

As a Wizard throw spells like Lightning Bolt or Fireball, or as a Fighter rush in to use your sword. A simple dice mechanic to determine victory, then gain the monster's loot!

The dungeon sections are colour coded to indicate the increasing monster difficulty, but have greater treasure rewards...should you play it slow and steady, or rush for glory?

First player to bring back enough treasure wins the game!

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