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Milliput - Black 2 Part Putty

Milliput - Black 2 Part Putty

Regular price $14.09
Regular price $14.99 Sale price $14.09
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Milliput Black 2-part epoxy putty, consists of 2 x 56.7gm (2 oz) sticks. Long shelf life (approximately 2 years if stored in cool, dry condition), once toughly mixed in equal parts the resultant putty is soft and highly adhesive then gradually hardens. Speed of hardening is dependant on temperature - at normal temperatures (20-25 degrees C) becomes rock hard in 3-4 hours. Putty is fully cured in 6-8 hours at same temperature and can then be machined, drilled, tapped, turned, filed, sawn, sandpapered and painted. Will bond: wood, brick, cement, metals, concrete, plastics, glass etc - not intended as a thin layer adhesive. May cause irritation to sensitive skin; it is advisable to use rubber or polythene gloves when handling non-hardened product. weight 4 oz.
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